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Improving relationships

It's not just what you say, but how you wrap it that matters

It turns out that helping couples to communicate with one another is helpful training for helping business partners and team members to improve their communication with one another! If high-conflict couples can learn how to shift the way the speak and listen to one another, so can people who work together.

Why conversational capacity is so important

Being able to swim in a swimming pool might not mean that one can swim safely in the ocean during a hurricane. Skiing easily on an intermediate slope might not mean that one can ski easily (or safely) on an icy, advanced slope. Similarly, being able to have an easy conversation about what is going well might not mean that one can effectively or safely have a difficult conversation about what is going poorly or concerns about future plans.

Couples counseling for low desire and sexless relationships

Are you in a sexless marriage? Is your relationship suffering from a lack of sex, or from disappointing sex? Do you and/or your partner feel a lack of desire?

Many couples find sex difficult to talk about and often couples therapy doesn't pay enough attention to the role of sex in intimate relationships. It can help to have a therapist to guide you through conversations about sex that you've been unable to have at home.

Coaching & Psychotherapy: 

The Power of Multiple Points of View

How often have you had a fight that felt like a tug-of-war, with each of you pulling as hard as you can for a different position? If you are like most people, fights like this don't feel good. And, not only do these fights feel particularly bad, but they also are usually quite ineffective at changing either person's mind about the issue at stake. One of the reasons this approach often fails is that each person is fighting so hard for his or her position that the other position seems like it is not being taken seriously.

How to Improve Communication - Did Your Partner Expect You to Feel What You Are Feeling?

Just as the message received by your partner may not be the message you thought you were communicating, the message you think you have received may not be the message your partner intended to communicate.

Your partner may say something that leaves you feeling:

  • Hurt
  • Embarrassed
  • Ashamed
  • Angry

Your brain may react almost instantaneously, so quickly that it seems obvious that your partner must have known you would react like this and that he or she must have intended you to feel this way. Sometimes, this may be accurate.

How to Improve Communication – Dealing with Misunderstandings

One of the most common sources of misunderstandings and fights in the couples I see comes from an assumption that our partner is understanding what we communicate the way we intend them to understand it. You may be familiar with a game called “telephone”, in which a message gets passed orally from one person to another – often, the message has been completely transformed by the time it reaches the last person.


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